Unfortunatly we don't have any babies to show off yet. We are working on it though, we have handful of Snowy Mallard and Nankin eggs in an incubator. We have a borrowed-broody bantam hen, that we have half a dozen Nankin eggs under and are collecting Welsh Harlequin, Saxony, Snowy Mallard and of course Nankin eggs to set as soon as we turn on the large GQF incubator. We also order 20 Welsh Harlequin ducklings from Holderreads' Preservation Farm. Hopefully we will be able to "more quickly" rebuild our duck flock after the fox attacks last season.
Happy Hatching Everyone!!! Hopefully some nice young birds will soon be filling our brooders, but until then...we are continuing to collect eggs to hatch. We will not have any hatching eggs available this year. We may have young adult birds around the end of August or middle of September.